Sadie CrowelL

14 Years

Class Experiences:  ballet, gymnastics, jazz, hip hop, senior dance classes, and Boundless Energy. 

What are your plans after graduation? 

After graduating, I plan to attend Garrett College for two years and earn an associate's degree in general studies. Then, I intend to transfer to Penn State University to earn a master's in meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and become a broadcast meteorologist and weather forecaster. 

What is your favorite dance memory?

To choose from so many years full of memories is too complicated and nearly impossible. I will name a few though. Traveling to Disney World with Boundless was such an unforgettable memory to me. I danced with a fantastic group, and the laughter and tears that filled the trip are things I will always cherish. Dancing beside some of my closest friends throughout the years will also stick with me. Lastly, hanging out with friends backstage through all fourteen years, running around trying to get changed fast enough, stabbing bobby pins in my hair, and the smell of hairspray will always be something I think of when I think of dance. Being backstage was an essential part of my time at Brenda’s, and the hallways of Meyersdale High School hold countless memories of mine. 

What advice do you want to share with other dancers? 

If I were to give advice, I’d say to keep dance in a special part of your heart. Things will get hard through life, but the moment you step into the studio, put all of the issues behind you. Dance is a place to escape, so don’t let it weigh you down. Be outgoing and talk to those around you while you still have time, you never know the type of friendships you could miss out on otherwise. In my last few years, I’ve created so many friendships that I will hold dear to my heart even after I graduate. Dance is a place to be who you are–don’t hold yourself back and keep going! 

Who would you like to thank for your dance experiences? 

There are so many individuals to thank; however, I want to start by thanking my biggest supporters. My parents have stayed with me through every event, performance, and dance practice I have attended. They have always been on the sidelines cheering me on through everything, and I owe them the world for this. I have always looked up to them and will continue to look up to them. I would also like to thank my instructors, including Brenda, Lexi, Keele, Ainsley, Ari, and Annalea. My instructors have made an incredible impact on my life, each in a different way. They’ve been people I’ve looked up to and inspirations to me. Specifically, Brenda, thank you for always sticking with me through my lack of organization and late arrivals–I know I can be difficult sometimes! I want to thank my sister, who has stuck with me despite the times I’d make her listen to my routine songs as I practiced repeatedly. I want to thank my grandma, who has always been there to give flowers and hugs after performances!
Additionally, I want to thank my boyfriend and my friends who do not dance, who I have dragged to my performances. They’ve also been some of my best supporters. Lastly, I want to thank every friend I have spent multiple years dancing beside. They are the faces I see when I walk into class, and they have made each practice memorable, unique, and fun. No matter the mood I walk in with, I find a way to laugh during class because of those I dance with.